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Another result for Daiwa Consultant @dansh1pp


Daiwa Consultant Dan Shipp recently fished Horseshoe Lake which resulted in this 30lb Common Carp 🎣


He explains "After turning up and finding the lake very busy at one end where the majority of the fish had previously been, I managed to find a number of fish that had pushed round the other end of the lake where it was devoid of anglers.

After presenting baits on small clear areas amongst patches of weed where the fish were fizzing during the day, I managed two bites in quick succession. The first fish being an angry mid double mirror, then not long after the other rod was away just into first light.

The bite was subtle and at first I thought I was attached to a Tench with a bit of weed over its head, but it soon became weighty and I realised it was a carp and it was much bigger than the one before.

Luckily it didn't put up much of a fight, waddling about on the surface most of the way in until I bundled it into the net the first time of asking. I recognised the fish instantly as one of the lake's original big commons, and at 30lb 4oz it made the extra time spent finding fish away from the rest of the angling pressure all the more worthwhile."


Good angling Dan!




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